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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

Non-diffeomorphic Reeb foliations and modified Godbillon-Vey class

Speaker’s name: 
Anton Galaev
Speaker’s affiliation: 
University Hradec Kralove


ZOOM, Meeting ID:895-276-2498
Wednesday, 22. April 2020 - 11:30 to 12:30
The definition of the Reeb foliation depends upon two real functions satisfying certain conditions. All these foliations are pairwise homeomorphic and have trivial Godbillon-Vey class. We construct explicit examples of the Reeb foliations that are not diffeomorphic. For this purpose we show that a modified Godbillon-Vey class defined by Losik is non-trivial for some Reeb foliations and trivial for some other Reeb foliations. This characteristic class takes values in the second order frame bundle of the leaf space of the foliation. This is a joint work with Ya. Bazaikin and P. Gumenyuk.

As usual  we shall  start  coffee  at 11:00    at   ZOOM, Meeting ID 895-276-2498.   A direct link   to the  meeting shall be sent    to you    at 10 AM  on the same day.   After the end of seminar we still have 30 minutes for discussion.