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Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physicsand statistics

Information Geometry and Hamiltonian Systems on Lie Groups

Speaker’s name: 
Jean-Pierre Francoise
Speaker’s affiliation: 
Sorbonne Université, Paris


ZOOM meeting
Wednesday, 5. May 2021 - 11:30 to 12:30
The link between Hamiltonian Integrable Systems and Information Geometry was discovered by Amari, Fujiwara and Nakamura (90s). In particular, Nakamura succeeded to define the tau-function for the open Toda Lattice by using Information Geometry .

We propose a more general study of Hamiltonian Systems related with the Information Geometry on Lie groups.

Fisher-Rao semi-definite metric is naturally induced as a left-invariant semi-definite metric on the Lie group, which is regarded as the parameter space of the family of probability density functions. For a specific choice of family of probability density functions on compact semi-simple Lie group, the equation for the geodesic flow is derived through the Euler-Poincaré reduction. Certain perspectives are mentioned about the geodesics equation on the basis of its similarity with the Bloch-Brockett –Ratiu double bracket equation and with the Euler-Arnol'd equation for a generalized free rigid body dynamics.

This is a joint work with Daisuke Tarama (Ritsumeikan University).

We shall open  ZOOM Meeting  at 11.15 and close at 13.00.  Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 995 9841 3922

Passcode: Fermat